Saturday, August 16, 2008

Changing SYSMAN password

Stop the DB console by using below command on the command prompt.

$>emctl stop dbconsole

This should stop dbconsole and the agent.

Have a check first.

$>emctl status dbconsole

$>emctl status agent

$>sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL>alter user sysman identified by [New Password];

Then check the new password by connecting with sysman user. This is to make sure sysman is not locked. Because when the password is changed and you try to reach the OEM, it will lock the sysman user.

SQL>conn sysman/newpassword

if you get
ora-28000: account is locked

Then unlock it first.

SQL> alter user sysman account unlock;

Modifying the file.

It’s located at ORACLE_HOME/[HOST]_[SID]/sysman/config. Replace HOST with your computer name and SID with your SID.

There are 2 parameters to modify:

oracle.sysman.eml.mntr.emdRepPwd= [Your encrypted password]

Change [Your encrypted password] with your new password in the first parameter (unencrypted current sysman password)
and change True to False in the second parameter.

As soon as you restart Dbconsole and Oracle agent, it will change false to true and will get encrypted.

Start the dbconsole

$>emctl start dbconsole
$>emctl start agent

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